HO2020 Pumpkin Sunflower- stitched by Karen Barras
HO2020 Pumpkin Sunflower- stitched by Karen Barras

HO746, HO747, HO748 Gingerbread Christmas Train - Stitched by Jeannine Bartnicki, Scottsdale, AZ
HO746, HO747, HO748 Gingerbread Christmas Train - Stitched by Jeannine Bartnicki, Scottsdale, AZ

HO1695 CACTUS #1 STAR stitched by Karen at the French Knot, Fort Worth, Tx Stitch guide available
HO1695 CACTUS #1 STAR stitched by Karen at the French Knot, Fort Worth, Tx Stitch guide available

HO1698 CACTUS4 STAR stitched by Karen at the French Knot, Fort Worth, Tx Stitch guide available
HO1698 CACTUS4 STAR stitched by Karen at the French Knot, Fort Worth, Tx Stitch guide available

EXCLUSIVE Cross for The Needle Bug in Montgomery, AL-5x7
EXCLUSIVE Cross for The Needle Bug in Montgomery, AL-5x7

Merry Christmas Stitched by Jeannine Bartnicki, Scottsdale, AZ. This was done as part of a Mystery Class through Bedecked and Beadazzled, Baltimore, MD
Merry Christmas Stitched by Jeannine Bartnicki, Scottsdale, AZ. This was done as part of a Mystery Class through Bedecked and Beadazzled, Baltimore, MD

Menorah - The Nimble Needle, Atlanta, GA Stacy Brown
Menorah - The Nimble Needle, Atlanta, GA Stacy Brown

Berry Tart stitched by Gayle Athy from Houston; Gayle won the 'small masterpiece' award at the 2011 ANG National Seminar in San Antonio. Congratulations Gayle! Stitch Guide by Emily Pannier and available at Chandail Needleworks, Houston Texas 713-524-6942
Berry Tart stitched by Gayle Athy from Houston; Gayle won the 'small masterpiece' award at the 2011 ANG National Seminar in San Antonio. Congratulations Gayle! Stitch Guide by Emily Pannier and available at Chandail Needleworks, Houston Texas 713-524-6942

Wine stitched by Donna Gunter of Austin, Texas; clumps of grapes were added with size 6 beads!
Wine stitched by Donna Gunter of Austin, Texas; clumps of grapes were added with size 6 beads!

1931 Model A Deluxe Christmas Edition stitched by Anne Thornton finshed by The Needleworks, Homewood Alabama those are jingle bells for feet and yes they do jingle!
1931 Model A Deluxe Christmas Edition stitched by Anne Thornton finshed by The Needleworks, Homewood Alabama those are jingle bells for feet and yes they do jingle!

NOEL Packages HO387 stitched by Diana Bosworth Cleburne TX
NOEL Packages HO387 stitched by Diana Bosworth Cleburne TX

HO283 Stitched by Anne Thornton, Falls Church Virginia Finishing by Funda Scully, Ft.Worth Texas
HO283 Stitched by Anne Thornton, Falls Church Virginia Finishing by Funda Scully, Ft.Worth Texas

Stitched version of HO31 7.5x10, Stitch Guide available. Stitched by Diana Bosworth - Cleburne, Texas
Stitched version of HO31 7.5x10, Stitch Guide available. Stitched by Diana Bosworth - Cleburne, Texas

Stitched by Anne Thornton, Finishing by Spinning Wheel, Houston Stitch Guide available
Stitched by Anne Thornton, Finishing by Spinning Wheel, Houston Stitch Guide available

Stitched by Kim Smith of The Needle Works, Austin Texas (stitch guide available)
Stitched by Kim Smith of The Needle Works, Austin Texas (stitch guide available)

HW107 Trick or Treat Stitched by Vicky DeAngelis
HW107 Trick or Treat Stitched by Vicky DeAngelis

Christmas Train by Suzy Lacher with Absolutely Needlepoint, Miami
Christmas Train by Suzy Lacher with Absolutely Needlepoint, Miami

CHRISTMAS GOLF CART-Linda Kipila Diliplane
CHRISTMAS GOLF CART-Linda Kipila Diliplane

Christmas Finials by Susie Robinson with Porcupine Needlepoint
Christmas Finials by Susie Robinson with Porcupine Needlepoint
Finishing Gallery